
Printing Company Resource - Printing Method : About Offset Printing, Explanation, Description

Offset printing also known as mass printing system. It means one way print with huge number of print result. It maybe cause a problem for someone who want to print just a few. But now digital print is the solution for this problem.
Printing Company nowaday always have an offset printing device. With more needed of printing stuff from many company, organization or personal, mean more profit for printing company and need more offset printing device to do that. In case, if they want to finish multiple order of offset printing in a little time or same time.
Offset printing, have a great print result, the ink is not faded by water, it different when you print at desktop printer with dye base ink.
Offset printing device price is so expensive (if you buy the new one). Because the high price of offset printing machine, this make a new business. Some people open new agency in second hand offset printing machine, for more cheap machine still with great quality of print. But the speed of the second hand offset printing machine is so poor if they compared with new one.
Offset Printing method used for making magazine, newspaper, brochure, and other huge number of print.

Offset Printing is a commonly used printing technique where the inked image is transferred (or "offset") from a plate to a rubber blanke, then to the printing surface. When used in combination with the lithographic process, which is based on the repulsion of oil and water, the offset technique employs a flat (planographic) image carrier on which the image to be printed obatains ink from ink rollers, while the non-printing area attracts a water-based film (called "fountain solution"), keeping the non-printing areas ink-free.
[taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offset_Printing]

See offset printing machine, categorized by size of printing.
See offset printing machine, by type of feeder.


Printing Business : Employee Skill, Prospect of Business

In this section we have a huge number of product from printing business. In other definition more product = more profit. But, in printing business skill is number one. It's no matter are you graduate from college, or you never get school as long as you life. That's not important, except you have a job at marketing division. Henmph. I think, if you never graduate from college you never get that job.
Skill in Printing Business.
Why skill is number one? Because at a printing company, you use machine or other handy skill to print at product. It's mean you never learn that in a formal school. You will get that skill from training at printing company or you get printing course before you send application letter to printing company. That's more benefit for company if you had a course before you become an employee of their company.
Prospect of Business.
Business, no matter what kind of business you learning, is all about profit. No profit mean no business. But, in printing business is more prospect for you because the little competitor in this business with large amount of printing requirement.
As a sample of prospect in printing business. Now, you are an employee of an office. Look around, see what you use when your work, you have an id card for employee, when you write a letter, there is a letter head with company name, and there is a letter head of company name in the envelope. When you meet prospect client, you give him a business card.
Hei, see that, id card, letter head mail, envelope and business card is a product from printing company.
It's just a little example. If you see more widely, you see more product from printing company.
More product is more work, and more profit you will get in this printing business.
So, I think printing business is have a bright future.
That's a reason why I am really want to build my own printing company.

Print : The Explanation, Description and Meaning of Print and Printing

There is a lot of meaning for print. The meaning depends for what we use that word. For example. Print by a elementary school teacher can be mean as a handwriting. Or by object, such as Print mean by Computer printer is put ink on paper.
But that have a same direction, print can be as a mark of something who made by ink or other.
or print definition : to fix or impress, as a stamp, mark, character, idea, etc. into or upon something. [source = http://ardictionary.com/Print/11866]
Printing is a process for reproducing text and image, typically with ink on paper using a printing press. It is often carried out as a large-scale industrial process, and is a essential part of publishing and transaction printing. [source = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printing]
Printing is the act, art, or practice of impressing letter, characters, or figures on paper, cloth, or other material; the business of printer, including typesetting and presswork, with their adjuncts; typhography; also, the act of producing photographic prints. [source = http://ardictionary.com/Printing/11865]
Well Printing can be marking something at any object. Mean much type of material which can printed.
Here in this blog, I will explain what I know about printing and what I find about printing from my experience at real world [as you know, now I work at a Printing Company] and from Internet. I make it in one simple blog, for more easy learning and sharing.
Printing business is a big business with a little competitor.
And I still learning that, hope someday I have my own printing business.
How about you?


About Print and Printing Blog

Welcome to Prints and Printing [dot] blogspot [dot] com
This blog contain articles about print by description, print by device, method and print stuffs.
I read from many source about print and printing and combine here in a single article for more easy learning for you.
This blog have many picture about print from many source. And also video from other who I meet at youtube.com and I post it here.
That picture image and video is not mine.
This blogs is for you who want to learning print and method of printing. For you who still a newbie in this print world. And I am still newbie too. But I share what I know for you.
Let's learn printing.